24 January, 2005

background Music

If theres an option like we, members could upload or choose a song from the default coices, that will be singing in the background when someone is viewing our portfolio or the picture in it.. wouldnt be cool?



ArtWanted.com Staff 24 Jan 2005

Thanks for the suggestion.

Candace Bell 24 Jan 2005

I think thats a bad idea!!! If there is any pet peeve the bothers me the most its got to be a web site where music starts playing!!!!!! Akkk blah I hate that!! I also cant stand all those stupid animations that fallow mouse curses or little falling flowers and kittens that float down the screen, if ya ask me all those things or bad web design!!

Personally I think something like that would be distracting, and it makes the page seem to busy and I think I might take away from the joy of looking at the artwork. There have been many times I have simply closed a window because of music and bad wed design such as listed above.

Second of all I dont know how many times I have almost fell off my chair because I had my volume up load and was suddenly blasted by web music that I wasnt expecting...

Im against it! Unless I can play Dream Theater lol.. j/k If this did happen then I would like an option in my settings to be able to disable me from hearing any music on web pages I happen upon, rather then having to manually turn it off.

Spurgeon Marshal 24 Jan 2005

Thankyou AW.

LOL candace, i agree with you, i have also almost fell off my chair a million times when my speakers goes."WHO LET THE GOS OUT.. WO WO WO" LOL but i still feel some soft midi musics in the background could be nice. provided there must me a music off option for us. Midi files wont take much time to load. ~jolly

Andrew Liberto 26 Jan 2005

Surely you jest????

Justin Jenkins 26 Jan 2005

Good idea spurgeon..but i think it would be costly and like Candace said, it annoys me too. In fact im having a site built now for my work and decided against the music feature. Not to mention the bandwidth from artwanted's hosting plan being sucked out like a vacuum.

Christina Toews 01 Feb 2005

I'm sticking with Candace... ACK! No music, none at all! LOL It would be different if the person VIEWING could choose the music... like a drop down list, default of NO MUSIC, but still... what's the point? More annoying than good! :)
