07 January, 2005

Traffic Statistics

I know most people are probably more concerned about the portfolio stats, but I'm just wondering if there's any idea when the traffic statistics will switch over to 2005? I like to use them as an overview.



ArtWanted.com Staff 08 Jan 2005

2005 stats should be up for you in your portfolio.

Devin Harris 08 Jan 2005

I have the portfolio stats. I was referring to the Traffic Statistics (which include hits on the main portfolio page) which appear below the member options menu. Mine are still set to 2004, and I like to keep an eye on main portfolio hits versus image views.

Cassie Chamberlain 08 Jan 2005

I was wondering about that too :)

Gayla Drummond 08 Jan 2005

I imagine that one will be coming along, now that they have the other up and running. =)

Devin Harris 08 Jan 2005

Truth be told, I wondered if they'd just forgotten the main page stats, once they put up the portfolio stats. :)

Gayla Drummond 08 Jan 2005

Hehe, could be, Devin! =)
