34 Comments (Page 2)

MAKEEV JURY 09 Aug 2011

Beautifully, Can at once start to draw money, and to wait it is not necessary while will buy, it is a pity spent time...... Though it is looked well. A picture for sheikhs from Dubai.

carri anderson 11 Aug 2011

I agree with Cramer. You might also ask your self, "How much do I care for this piece?". If it's a work that you wouldn't mind keeping, then price it so that it's worth selling. I never count my hours. I just ask my family how much they would pay for a piece. I once asked an established Artist "how do you price a commission?" He said "look at the car their driving". lol

Marty Yokawonis 15 Aug 2011

hahahahaha well see? we aren't day laborers so why think smalltime?

jennifer blenkinsopp 25 Aug 2011

When I place in a exhibition I judge what it is worth to me to let go of that painting this will include the gallery cost and their commision. I have two at present in a Juried show , one of them i wanted to keep but also wanted to enter the show and this peticular one fit the title of the exhibition so I placed a price on what it was worth to me. A commision piece is usally less expensive, I charge for materials and my time, but am also sympathetic to the climate at the present. btw thats a beautiful pencil work..

Minnie Shuler 25 Aug 2011

Although I really like Cramer's answer best. An artist's work is judged on talent and years invested in learning a skill. You do not question the fees of a talented experienced learned brain surgeon..neither should you question the fees no matter the time involved for a great piece of art. Yes, consider your time and external costs. If it takes you so long you are starving, perhaps you should consider doing something else but then da Vinci worked on the Mona Lisa for 25 or so years. But he had other jobs during that time. Hmm...I don't think he had selling it in mind. Perhaps neither should you on at least some pieces. When some one asks me how long it took I usually say 60 years and 10 minutes..does that answer your question. It has taken 60 years. I keep my first painting around so I can remember how much I have progressed. How much is that an hour? What you are spending on your art is cummulative experience it cannot be measured adequately. Ask yourself what would you want in money to paint another one for yourself and then charge more. There is an item on a business balance sheet called GOODWILL...your item is REPUTATION...it has not been cheap building it. Do not cheat yourself, your work is unique. It will appreciate in value. Other than that Marlene Burns gave you some of the best advise.

Marty Yokawonis 28 Nov 2011

bumping this to the front for all the nervous nelly's that are obsessing about pricing again.

W. James Taylor 29 Nov 2011

if your charging that price for that size ...where do you go from there? ...when building a career as an artist , i think you can most definitely price yourself out of the Market for a certain kind of image ... asking the question ... am i charging to much? said it all ( smile)... and i see you don't know the business ...so create and beware of pricing its an Art as well. W James Taylor / Geneva Galleries Inc.

Marty Yokawonis 01 Dec 2011

There was an interesting essay on artists over marketing themselves in a recent issue of American Artist. The premise was that if an artist gets too involved in promoting themselves the potential collector/ gallery begins to lose interest in their art because they feel less of a connection with the artist. In other words collectors and galleries are actually willing to pay more for an artist they see as being aloof from commercial concerns. The idea that a true artist is not motivated by needing commercial success is a persistent theme that artists need to contend with. Another is that men are real artists and women are mostly hobby artists. if you think I'm stretching the truth here then let me point out that in the last calendar year American Artist magazine has been profiling major artists in every issue and only 3 of them have been female. this past issue for December/January 2011 - 2012 they listed 12 artists to keep an eye on as the new upcoming masters and only one was female.

W. James Taylor 08 Dec 2011

hmmmn i could say the same thing about being black or another ethnic origin , so i dont think being man or woman has anything to do with it its just another persons preference,...i do like what you said about the client connecting with the artist is real ...and yes its stretching a little (smile)

Keep painting everyone James

Ayay Sobandi 10 Dec 2011

i don't know the exact formula on how to price an artwork. What I usually do is to show them to an art dealer and let them price my artworks.They are more experienced on what's happening in the art market.

kiddolucas lee 03 Jan 2012

You re worth what you are...just dont touch the borderline of greediness

hemi marteni 23 Sep 2013

I am emotionally connected to all my drawings I sell to those who are also,then we go back and fourth until we agree on a price.

Doug Murray 27 Oct 2013

With the advent of techno-media, your artwork is probably seen by all creeds and classes; rich and poor. The fact is that your drawing is very good and worth every penny of $3900.00. But ask yourself this. Would you rather give it away to someone who will make it a family heirloom? You want your art to live on after you're gone. In some cases, this means massive financial sacrifice by the artist. Stick to your guns on price. You can always negotiate with a serious buyer. I'm still a big fan of artist trades, myself!

Rob G 18 Nov 2013

Someone has to say it , so Hands up

Lets Say you don't need to sell art to Live and look nice...

Q: What will make you more happy?

1) To Sell a piece for 20 grand to an investor who sees no beauty in your Art locks it away and waits for you to die so he can cash in

2) To give away your Art to someone who sees the beauty of it who will hang it where others will see it.

If you chose the Latter you will be Happier a better Person and generally very nice to be around and have more friends, you will be a passionate Artist

I don't know what happens if you choose number one
