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14 February, 2018
  • Ginger Olansen
  • 14 Feb 2018

Original Post: Try two new old browsers-checks tracking and lets you know who it is!

Just a couple of weeks ago, after a virus problems I was told to try Firefox in combination with google. I start with Firefox and my main screen that displays is google cause I love their cartoon creations! Well, Firefox lets you know every couple of minutes who by name is tracking you and then when they block them they report it on this tiny area on the lower right so its not annoying at all. In Artwanted, I get up to 4 or more, so far today called: "Add This", "Google Analytics", "Pingdom"," Facebook". When Firefox blocks them (almost instantly) they put a line through them. How great is that!! It could be with the help of ArtWanted? Anyway suggest you download Firefox and they have so much information beyond what you would expect. What a turn around they have done! Clever hey?