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01 April, 2018
  • Kaori

Latest Comment...

If you have the financial potential to go part time I would suggest you just do it. There can be no better thing for an artist to do than create. I hope someone replies with a more realistic answer to your marketing question, but it it is luck and hard work like anything else.

25 January, 2018
  • Karlina Bacchus
  • 25 Jan 2018

Original Post: Making Art as a Career


At the moment i am only "dabbling" in selling original pieces and working on commission, but becoming quite serious about going part time in the near future, with a view to going full time some time in the much further future. I have done a LOT of research and prep on this and have sketched (no pun intended!) out a timeline/plan for the next couple of years, so I am OK on the "theory" and the steps needed to be made to achieve this, but would love artists on here to tell me about their "real world" journeys in having become/ or becoming professional artists on a part or full time basis...

Things you feel you did right. // Things you wouldn't do again if you could go back. // Things you didn't foresee - big or small. // The impact it has had on your life - good and bad.

General advice/discussion really would be most welcome.

I'm sure there are other artists on here that maybe considering this too - so feel free to jump in with your questions/thoughts too!

(Please note I am based in the UK)

Thank you!