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11 June, 2018
  • Mark Peterson

Latest Comment...

What is Art? The senses and imagination coming to life... If you like what you see it is art... If you create what you would like to see it is art... If you present a glimpse of what your imagination sees it is art. Art is what you want it to be. It can not be defined in a dictionary or by opinion... art is in your mind and individual...

21 January, 2018
  • David Benjamin
  • 21 Jan 2018

Original Post: What is art?

I am curious as to what your definition of art is. I try to simplify things so my tiny brain can manage them better so my definition intention or motivation. Imagine the whole of society as a small hiking group of people and one of those people sees something along the trail that he/she thinks the others have missed or would like to see what he/she sees in the way he/she sees it so he/she points it out and says, "Hey guys, look at that!" That's exactly what an artist does.