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11 January, 2018
  • Staff

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Ginger - Every member has the option to add a website link to their portfolio from their user settings, if they have another website they want to link to from their portfolio. Unfortunately, some of the links that are added are incorrectly formatted and others are old and have gone offline. There are no "points" awarded for having a website link on your portfolio, but it's always better for the website link to be correct.

We encourage all members to verify the website link works in their own portfolio and fix the link if it needs to be corrected.

10 January, 2018
  • Ginger Olansen
  • 10 Jan 2018
  • 1 Comment

Original Post: Members websites

I have been clicking on members websites for about 3 months straight, 60 percent of them are “not found”. If the websites are not available and they are getting points when people, click on that? Why is that? Please look in to this.