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09 December, 2017
  • Ginger Olansen

Latest Comment...

Thanks Staff for answering so quickly, Now I understand. Thank you Anneke Hut for your comment!

07 December, 2017
  • Ginger Olansen
  • 07 Dec 2017

Original Post: Private galleries

First one question then my suggestion: Why does the private gallery show people that clicked to get in when they cannot? It does not make sense unless, they can! I have 44 people that got in, I never sent the key to get in and I certainly did not go in that many times because I have no need too? Please check this, thank you.

My suggestion is: I would like the private gallery to allow access to the gifts and those that I give permission may have something made too. The reason is one of two reasons I would use the private gallery. 1) I often create something I am not ready to share with the public and would like to have something printed by you first to see how it looks, when I am ready to give the key to my friends they should be able too. 2) I think this would make the private gallery more appealing especially for artists that paint, digital artists that want to try a different take on something they have done and photographers that might want to change up a photo. Anyone creative would appreciate it!