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04 December, 2017
  • Staff

Latest Comment...

Ginger -

It looks like you are being blocked from simply sending too many emails to members in a 24 hour period, not because of the content of those e-mails.

You are limited to just a few e-mails per day to members, because more than this our system things you are a spammer trying to email too many people, which is unusual. Simply limit your e-mails to members and use the comment feature on their artwork to avoid the spam block.

03 December, 2017
  • Ginger Olansen
  • 03 Dec 2017
  • 1 Comment

Original Post: Message blocked due to spam filter

I was sending a nice note to Michael Weber on the portfolio contact page Subject: My favorites.... Message: You have been working hard on your portraits, Great job. I expecialy like the Ketchup bottle still life, nicely done!

What is wrong with the spam filter?????