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19 July, 2017
  • Erik Ross

Latest Comment...

Here's one of my better ones.

05 November, 2016
  • Yury Yanin
  • 05 Nov 2016


Flowers are not my main objects, I make pictures of flowers occasionally from time to time, but I do not want to upload them into my portfolio. Recently I wanted to send my late picture of that kind to Marie-Clara Gallet. She is a great flower lover, admin of the artist group “FLOWERS MY PASSION”. AW should be grateful to her, as she is one of the most active members, she uploads a couple of talented photos practically every day!... I could not send that picture to her due to some technical problems with my e-mail post. Inside AW I could send her a message, but not a picture file – no attachments are allowed to the personal messages to AW artists.. So my first question is to AW staff – is it possible to allow attachments to inner messages from artist pages? One more question: is not it possible to allow AW membetrs to upload artworks into groups without loading them into personal portfolios?

Meanwhile I suggest to every AW member to show flower pictures here, in this discussion thread. One at a time, as many posts, as you want. For Marie-Clare, for promotion of her beautiful group, and just for pleasure! Here is my picture: