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24 August, 2017
  • Vincent von Frese

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My guess is James Green has simply lost interest in getting some family portraiture of his late Grandmother.

I always wanted a portrait of any of my dog's grandmother but do not have a photo of her! My tortoises(African Leopard and Afghanistan) all look just like their grand parents so no need I guess.

10 October, 2016
  • James Green
  • 10 Oct 2016

Original Post: Looking for someone to draw a family portrait

Hey everyone. Recently, my grandmother passed, and I miss her everyday and I wish I would have been there more for her. So I've decided that I would like a portrait of my family to remember her and what she meant to everyone. I'm looking for someone to draw me and family. Message me and I can give you more details and pictures and we can go from there, thank you