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12 September, 2016
  • Staff
  • 12 Sep 2016

Original Post: Selling Artwork Using PayPal

One of the features available to all members of ArtWanted is to list your artwork for sale on the website and accept payment via PayPal. This article explains the benefits and process for accepting PayPal payments on your ArtWanted account.

Selling Art on ArtWanted

We have multiple options to list and sell your artwork on ArtWanted. If you plan to do the fulfillment (shipping) of the artwork, you can either accept PayPal payments or have the buyer contact you for payment arrangements. If you are part of our Premium Print on Demand program, ArtWanted will collect the payment funds, provide the fulfillment for you and then pay your sales commission. Learn more about selling artwork on our policies page.

Why PayPal?

PayPal is one of the oldest and largest online payment companies. They have millions of users and allow those users to pay for any goods/services on the Internet using their PayPal account. PayPal allows buyers to pay using their PayPal account or a regular credit card, which will deposit the funds into the seller’s bank account. ArtWanted has integrated with PayPal to make it easy for customers to buy artwork from the members of the website. If you don’t already have a PayPal account to accept payments, you can setup a free account on

Adding PayPal Email Address to ArtWanted

After you have a PayPal account setup, you will want to add your e-mail address (associated with your PayPal account) into your ArtWanted contact information. From the EDIT CONTACT INFO page, type in the e-mail address that is used for your PayPal account in the PayPal E-Mail field and save your settings. That’s it, you are done and ready to accept PayPal payments for your artwork sales.

Listing Your Art For Sale

When you are doing the fulfillment, you can sell any version of your artwork including: the original artwork, digital downloads, framed copies, prints or any other version of the art. Any image in your portfolio can be listed for sale on ArtWanted. You can add the purchase description and price in two places: 1) After you upload an image, you will see a form below your uploaded image to add the purchase information. 2) From your Manage Portfolio page, you can EDIT any image and add the purchase information at the bottom of the Edit Image page. We encourage you to be descriptive of what the buyer is purchasing including: original/print, artwork size, paper, matting, framing or any other details.

What Buyers See

After you have setup your PayPal account inside ArtWanted and you have listed your artwork for sale with a specific price, your purchase options will show up on the right side of your artwork in your portfolio. Buyers will see the description(s) of what you are selling and the purchase price. They will also see a blue BUY NOW button. When buyers click on this button, they will be taken to the PayPal website to complete their payment. Buyers can pay using their PayPal account or they can simply pay with a normal credit card, which will deposit the funds into your PayPal account.

100% Sales Commission To You

When buyers make a payment via PayPal, 100% of the funds go directly to you into your PayPal account. There are no sales commissions from ArtWanted, so you keep the full listing price of your artwork. In fact, ArtWanted doesn’t even know about the sale, because it goes directly to your account and ArtWanted is not notified of the sale. More money into your pocket!

Notifications and Fulfillment

When PayPal is setup on your ArtWanted account, all sales will go directly through PayPal. You will be notified from PayPal (not ArtWanted) via e-mail of the sale. It is your responsibility to promptly ship out the artwork to the buyer that was purchased. We suggest that you send an e-mail to the buyer thanking them for the sale as soon as you know about it and again e-mail the buyer after you have shipped out the artwork (including any tracking information).


We frequently get support tickets from potential buyers wanting to buy artwork they see on ArtWanted that is not currently listed for sale. Those members are missing out on income, because they haven’t setup their account to sell their art on the website.

Setting up your ArtWanted account to sell art through PayPal couldn’t be easier. We encourage all members to create a PayPal account and follow the steps outlined above to list your artwork for sale on the website. Happy selling!