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07 September, 2016
  • Staff

Latest Comment...

Thanks RQ for the comment. We know that we have to undo a lot of past damage and build back trust with our members, which will take time for some. We just wanted everyone to know that we acknowledge the past mistakes and are working very hard to improve things in the right direction.

To our knowledge, all pending payments have been paid to members and any past product orders have either been delivered or a full refund given to the buyer. If anyone has any outstanding issues that are not cleared up from the past, we invite you to contact us to make it right. Thanks!

07 September, 2016
  • Staff
  • 07 Sep 2016

Original Post: Customer Support Improvements

When we launched the new website a few months ago, we not only wanted a new website design, but we wanted to improve every aspect of

One of the areas that needed big improvements was our customer support. We set some aggressive goals internally to give great customer service and provide much faster turn around times on all support tickets we received. We had a goal to provide the best customer support experience we have ever given in our 17 year history.

We are happy to report that we have exceeded our customer service goals and greatly improved our customer support since the launch of the new website. Here is a little sample of these results over the last two months:

  • Over 50% of all tickets are responded to within 6 hours!
  • Average ticket response for all tickets is under 20 hours.
  • 100% of submitted tickets have been responded to by our staff.

These numbers are a huge improvement over the past and we want to continue to provide excellent customer service to our members.

If you have any suggestions, questions, or unresolved issues, we invite you to submit your support ticket at: and let us know how we can help you!