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03 July, 2017
  • seyyed amin nabipoor

Latest Comment...

The new site "Image Hit Statistics" system is more exact , Then it,s better , I like it ! Thanks !

17 June, 2016
  • Staff
  • 17 Jun 2016

Original Post: Change in Image Hit Statistics

As we worked on redesigning the new website, one of the items we reviewed was the way we recorded statistics hits. After reviewing how we did this in the past, we decided to make several changes to improve the accuracy and clarity of the statistics recording. These changes may have affected the number of hits/views you are seeing in your statistics reports, so here is an explanation of what was done...

Currently, we only record an image “view” when the large version of that image is displayed at its full resolution. To clarify, this is the page that shows the title of the artwork in the page header, information about the artwork and artist and comments about that artwork.

In the past, we would record an image “view” anytime that image was seen, no matter what the size or where on the website it showed up. This means that we recorded views when the image showed up as a small random image, your artwork store, image voting pages, special holiday sections, featured images, the “larger images” view of your main portfolio page and other areas of the website. The artist slideshow would also rack up a lot of hits for images, even if not all of the images were viewed by the website visitor.

With the new website, we felt it was better to only record a hit/view to the statistics page when someone is viewing the full image in all its glory, even if that change reduced the total amount of individual hits on your statistics reports. Your images are still being seen in many other areas of the website, just not getting recorded in your stats reports like it used to be. No other changes were made to the tracking of the hits to your portfolio or portfolio tab pages.

Overall, we have seen an increase in hits and website visitors since the new website launched. We have also seen many more hits to the portfolios of our members since the launch of the new site. If you have noticed a drop in your image hits, this is most likely only a dip in the statistics reporting charts, but the actual number of people viewing your images has not likely changed.

We created this graph from our analytics data to show a comparison of "pageview" hits from the old and new websites on three critical pages. The main artist portfolio page is getting twice the pageviews on the new website, compared with the old site. The timeframe comparison is May 1-15th (old site) and June 1-15th (new site).

We are confident that we will continue to have more hits and website visitors going forward as new artists join each day and through our increased marketing efforts for