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10 July, 2016
  • Paul Weiner

Latest Comment...

Wow, like the new layout and design!

28 May, 2016
  • Staff
  • 28 May 2016

Original Post: NEW Website & Artist Portfolios

New Website & Artist Portfolios!

We are super excited to announce the brand new website!

We have redesigned everything from top to bottom to make the new website more modern, clean and visually appealing. As part of the redesign, all of the portfolios of our members have also been updated with a new look.

Here are some of the key new features:

NEW DESIGN - Every page of the website has been redesigned with a focus on the artwork of our members and making it easier to navigate. A lot of feedback from our members went into the new website.

MOBILE RESPONSIVE - The new website is designed to look great on a desktop computer, tablet and mobile phone. Every page of the website can now be viewed on a mobile phone, so ArtWanted is more portable than ever.

NEW UPLOADER - We have added a new image uploader as well, that allows you to crop and rotate your images as you are uploading them to your portfolio. You can also now choose your files from over 20 sources such as Dropbox, Box, Instagram, Facebook and others.

This is only the start of the many upgrades that will be coming to over the next few months. With this first phase, we launched the new public website. In future phases, we will be redesigning the Members Area and adding new features to the website, new products and improving every aspect of the company.

We invite you to explore the new website and discover everything that is new. We also invite you to share with us your feedback (and any bugs that you see) by clicking on feedback link at the top of every page.
