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03 April, 2016
  • Daniel Mooney
  • 03 Apr 2016

Original Post: No Subject

I am the architect of my existence. My art reflects my vision and represents my values. It conveys the essence of my being---coalescing imagination, insight, and humor, challenging all limits.

I am exploring how post and current events, myths, and technologies affect our senses, our thoughts and our lives. My attention to these relationships become fields of art as I participate in the most immediate and vital issues for me---extending life, augmenting intelligence and creativity, exploring the universe, indulging my sense of humor.

Artists, as communicators, bring together the passions, the dreams and the hopes of humanity and express these emotions in ways that touch us deeply. I am one voice of humanity and my generation. My voice is a synthesis, rhythm and exploration of worlds of imagination and realities both near and far in time and space. Art influences social and cultural change: how we live and who we are. It creates a sense of self, art as being, autonomous yet connected to culture's continuum.