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09 February, 2017
  • Margaret Platt

Latest Comment...

Hi all, I've been away for quite a while. No sales on here, but it's a good place to direct people interested in seeing more of your work without having a fully maintained, paid for website. I am happy to see that they are now offering websites as well, and I am thinking that I will take advantage of it soon. Its time, I think.

02 March, 2016
  • Rick Corbett
  • 02 Mar 2016

Original Post: Who is Still Here?

Hi, Is anyone still here? I have always loved ArtWanted and been so saddened that it's not as popular as it once was. I have seen some life but not as much as I'd hoped. I want to come back but was wondering who is still here? Any long time friends still around? How about new friends? Please let me know if this site is worth coming back to....