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18 January, 2005
  • Michelle Andersen

Latest Comment...

1) When you post/reply to a thread with more than one page, you will be automatically taken back to the page that you were on to see your reply.

That is not happening to me. It automatically puts me on the first page of the thread.

16 September, 2004
  • Staff
  • 16 Sep 2004

Original Post: Small Message Board Updates

We have added three upgrades to our message boards today.

1) When you post/reply to a thread with more than one page, you will be automatically taken back to the page that you were on to see your reply.

2) We have added a BACK/NEXT THREAD function in the left sidebar. This allows you to quickly move from one discussion thread to the next, without having to go back to the main menu and select the next thread.

3) We have made the main discussion topic in the left sidebar 'clickable' so that you can always return to the main menu of any subject.

More updates are always around the corner, enjoy.