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10 July, 2015
  • John Enright

Latest Comment...

I would love to have one... can we select an image to print? lets do it.

08 December, 2012
  • Staff
  • 08 Dec 2012

Original Post: Now Offering Custom iPhone 5 Cases!

We are excited to announce a new product to our print-on-demand program for our Premium Members... Apple iPhone 5 Cases!

We offer both a slim and tough versions of the case, which can be customized with artwork from your portfolio or other images from our site.

This new product has been added to all the images that qualify in our print program. Any new image you upload into the print program will also receive this product if your image meets our resolution guidelines.

This new iPhone 5 case joins the group of phone cases we already had available: iPhone 4S/4/3GS, BlackBerry Bold 9700/9780 and Samsung Galaxy SII.

Want one? Be the first person to respond to this message board post and we will give you a free custom phone case using your own artwork!