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26 October, 2014
  • Vincent von Frese

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To train yourself to see is of major importance. You have to look deeply into the subject and get a feel for light and dark values reflecting reality.Seeing is the gift of the eye so drawing and painting is a way of extrapolating what an individual sees.

I saw some paintings and did not understand the content until years later when I was in the actual environment these paintings were painted.

Thomas Hart Benton painted the hues and tones of reflected water in the Ozark Mountains of southern Missouri. He painted a stylized version of clouds, people and land but the elements of realism were starkly accurate.

I still have not seen the Grand Canyon but I'm sure I can believe Thomas Moran painted it as it can be seen.

05 October, 2007
  • Darius Purse
  • 05 Oct 2007

Original Post: Tips on Improving Realism

Hi, I was wondering if anybody could offer me tips on making my work look more realistic or life-like. I sketch a lot of portraits and I use the grid method to try and get the placement right, but a lot of my work still turns out sort of cartoonish. My portfolio page is

If anybody could provide suggestions whether it is to develop my shading, or a different drawing method, I would appreciate it.