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24 January, 2005
  • Binky Hawkinson

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This portrait is to be a gift to my daughter whom just purchased a 1970 chevy chevelle, the car is white she wants to paint the car silver or blue the magazine I am using as reference material is Classic Auto restorer the little chevelle in the article is sky blue, My scanner did a swan dive and the plug in for the scanners power is roasting red hot, so the scanner gets to go to the shop, Is there a Scanner Doctor in the house? I can use the real McCoy and sketch my daughters little Chevelle in the driveway but My daughter has a beastly cold and I had to miss classes today to get her to the doc thank yu fellow artists

PS Vrooom, VAAROOOOM Mandible Please tell me about the adventures of you and your Chevelle!!Pretty Please with Sugar on the hood! and decklid, This will certainly brighten my day I need it!

23 January, 2005
  • Binky Hawkinson
  • 23 Jan 2005

Original Post: 1970 Chevy Chevelle

Struggling with this drawing it is larger and different angle than the Trans Am i need to get the roof drawn a little better, just really tired with all the school work the car is blue I will scan my ref materail so you giys can see what I am working from Thank you