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06 January, 2005
  • RQ Trietsch

Latest Comment...

How do you know if I have or haven't critiqued?

You can't seriously believe anyone follows ever critique posted.

I normally give my "CRITIQUES", when veiwing the galleries, seeing as how most of them posted end up there.

To me it's a courtesy if you do, but there is so much, as you like to say, sub standard art that's not worth the effort, or styles/mediums I don't participate in.

I for one normally look at the "hits" and those with the fewest or responses are the ones I look at.

I flat ass refuse to be a part of the good ol boy attitude and give anyone praises that aren't anything more than ego boosters!

And yes granted, there have been times when a member has asked about a piece that was a wip that I have commented on, but rarely do I comment on a finished product.

So why are you all so concerned about this?

It all seems so juvenille to me, but if you want to make an issue out of be it.

But it really is starting to get annoying with all this petty crap.

05 January, 2005
  • Mike Sankey
  • 05 Jan 2005

Original Post: Artwork Critiques

Its a small gripe, but is there any way to enforce the 3 comments for every posting, there are a lot of folk who just post and don't put anything back into the forum, and it kind of annoys me, i take a lot of time to look over pictures there and try to help folks, and seeing people just post without thinking pisses me off a bit. Cheers!