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05 January, 2005
  • Candace Bell

Latest Comment...

Hmm maybe? I usually paste my posts into Microsoft word to catch little spelling mistakes, maybe thats whats going on?

05 January, 2005
  • Candace Bell
  • 05 Jan 2005

Original Post: whats the deal with.....?

I guess this goes out to the AW staff, its just a little something thats been getting on my nerves. Sometimes when I post something, actually pretty much ALL the time when I post, it doesnt allow me to time any apostrophes, I hope I spelled that right, and things of that nature, it seems they are replaces with funny little squares or a (and) symbol.

What is the reason for this, it seems funny to think it doesnt support simple grammar rules? Does it have something to do with my computer?

Its just annoying since after all my posts I need to go through and get rid of all those it's doesnt's and I'm or esle I get that!

So is it just me? or do other people have this problem.