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10 September, 2006
  • david bass

Latest Comment...

joseph, the idea of varnish is to highlite the painting not this: "For me it destroys the depth in the painting and may magnify pieces of paint that you would not want to show". it helps depth and shows color details that would otherwise not be shown. if the varnish highlites parts of the painting you don't want to show then i think the artist has failed to paint a quality painting.

16 April, 2005
  • Heidi Banas
  • 16 Apr 2005

Original Post: how to make oil paint dry faster

Hi ,

I have just had to put a thick layer of oil paint on a painting that i thought was finished around the side's of the canvas.

It will be in an exhibition this Tuesday the 19th April, I painted this bit yesterday Saturday the 16th April.

It's about 28% here in Perth Australia & warm & sunny.

What can I do to speed up this drying process befor i spray varnish it on Tuesday?

Many Thanks
