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09 February, 2009

Biography: Jerry Stith

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Jerry Stith or the founder of an American Folk art program called Ball Point Pen Art, BallPoint Pen Art or Ballpointpenart. This program is introducing what a ballpoint pen can do as an art medium, instrument or movement! Ball Point Pen Art is the largest undeveloped art movement in history because of the countless billions pens sold.

I’m extremely pleased with the 7,592 tremendous comments posted with ArtWanted pertaining to my multi-colored oil based ink drawings. Your replies have provided me with a wonderful sense of worth plus great joy and happiness as a fellow artist. My God bless each and everyone of those that visited or comment on my artworks, amen!

I’ve have five group sites with the Microsoft Network for the past nine years that are being closed in Feb. 2009. My MSN forum had over 1,000 drawings by 45 artists while my new site currently has 2,450 ballpoint pen drawings published by 155 artists from around the world. That means I’m the greatest publisher of what a ballpoint pen can do as an art medium for almost a decade or throughout history via the World Wide Web.

The inventor of the ballpoint pen was Mr. John J. Load a citizen of the United States, residing at Weymonth, in the county of Norfolk and Common Wealth of Massachusetts, patented the first ballpoint pen. The first patent on a ballpoint pen was issued on 30 October, 1888, to John J Loud, registration No. 392,046.

The pen had a rotating small steel ball bearing. As with modern ballpoint pens, the ball was held in place by a socket. It was fitted with a means for supplying heavy, sticky ink to the ball. The pen proved to be too coarse for letter writing, but it could be used to mark rough surfaces, especially leather.

However, the patent was commercially unexploited and another ballpoint pen device was patented by Van Vechten Riesburg in 1916. The patent lapsed without improvement renewal. Commercial models appeared in 1895, but the first satisfactory model of a ballpoint pen was designed by two Hungarian brothers living in Argentina: Lazlo, a journalist, and George Biro, a chemist. Lazlo noticed that the type of ink used in newspaper printing dried quickly, leaving the paper dry and smudge-free.

He decided to create a pen using quick-drying ink instead of India ink. The thicker ink, though, would not flow from an ordinary pen nib and Biro had to devise a new type of point. Lazlo put a tiny metal ball bearing in the tip of a pen, the success of the ballpoint pen is due to the accuracy in which the ball is ground.

A ballpoint pen can produce three unique lines that no other pen system in history have ever done. A long flowing line, dark rich colors and the subtlest camera ready art line in history. Introducing those qualities, artists and their ballpoint pen ink drawings to the world is what my American folk art program has done before one billion others worldwide. Today, I’ve archived, documented, recorded and published ballpoint pen art and that’s “News Worthy” or “Art History in the makings”!

I started drawing with a ballpoint pen in 1968. While I was still in high school. In those day I carried paper and pens everywhere I went, therefore over four thousand sketches or drawing got completed. Practice, practice and practice is what it took me to become better at drawings and nothing else.. I stated off with a black and blue ink then obtained red plus green. Years later I discovered Lindy Pens that had twelve colors including brown and gold which really inspirited me to say the least. I have more colors within my ballpoint pen drawings than all other artists on the Web for the past nine years as of this month. March will mark my tenth year on the Web as a publisher or artist!

I was raised as a military brat therefore moving around became a way of life. Having a portable art medium was very valued because creativity could continue no matter what took place throughout my travels. Ink helped me become bolder, confident, skilled and inspired so progress and much happiness came my way while producing works in public because of the thousands of people coming to my side for a peek. Drawing outside in my opinion supersedes using photo’s or objects indoors.

Pen and Ink helped elevate mankind’s entire history. Manuscripts, books, the bible, treaties, poems, songs, checks, carbon copies, drawings, documents and many other extremely important things throughout history got produce via some kind of a pen. How many of those things have you seen completed with oil paints. Oil painters always say, Oils are the king of art. Well pens are the greatest writing, drawing and carbon copy makers in history plus are used to run the world not just a fine are medium. Pen and Inks are the King of kings!

Hopefully many of you folks will bring out your ballpoint pen and produce another fantastic ink drawing and history.

BallPoint Pen virtues! *Four thousand years of pen and ink history *Most sold art instrument in history (100 billion pens sold by Bic) *Largest undeveloped art movement in history *Longest flowing pen lines in history *Brightest colored pen inks in history *Subtlest camera-ready half tone lines in history *Only oil based pen ink in history *Strongest pen tips in history *Best carbon copy producer in history *Most reliable pen in history *Produces half tone lines from a full tone ink

Please keep in mind that Jerry Stith has published more ballpoint pen & ink drawings or artists than any others in history via the WWW.

Your friend and fellow artists,

Jerry Stith