







Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Throughout my years in the architectural and design fields, I've always been motivated by the character of materials. Their textures, colors, temperatures, and applications transform the spaces that contain us. The joy of interacting with different people and standing in their shoes, offers me insight into their needs and desires, as well as my own. In consequence, I create not only a physical space to live in, but also a three-dimensional habitat that harmonizes with the environment.

This uniquely personal inner exploration has led me to be challenged to find ways of expressing my own feelings and needs in the two dimensional world of painting. I am finding my true self and want to share it with the world.

As with architecture, shapes, light and shadows are key elements that fascinate me. Sometimes I place myself "on the other side of the mirror" – my imaginary place where I "dematerialize" what I see. This helps me reorder and recompose the elements for greater metaphoric power.

Art is a verb. Creation is a journey. My journey is never-ending.

Artist Highlights