• rodney shortsleeve
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  • Added 18 Jun 2010
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Over my shoulder

It has been a year since I drew this, and a year since I picked up a pencil, grabbed a piece of paper, and sketched. I have been recovering from my operation and started to work again. I have been lost in the now and forgot about what could be, or what was in my mind. What I could create, feel, or express. It is hard to start over, to learn to walk again. It is equally hard to remember what was forgotten or to painful to remember what you have been through. For now I post this. To look over my shoulder and remember, that is enough, to start again. To think, to create, to feel again. To express some feelings and move on. It have been along 2 years, along recovery, but to me a blur. I look to create and expand, but to do that, I need to look over my shoulder. Right to left, know what is around me, and take a deep breathe. Can you feel it, see it, relax, it's coming. CREATE. To everyone who has looked at my work, or read my words, thank you and create on. To my friend paul (Thunder7), thank you for being there, you are an inspiration. When I look over my shoulder, I know I will see you.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Renata Cavanaugh 20 Jun 2010

I wondered why I have not seen you around. I am not sure what happened to you and although it sound like a serious injury....I am glad that you have come back. One baby step at a time is all it takes. I wish you speedy recovery and look forward to seeing what you do so wonderfully ...create art. HUGS!