• Diana Hume
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  • Added 11 May 2010
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HooDoo Giant

71 x 56 cm. Coloured pencil on matboard

The Drumheller Valley is world renowned for it’s dinosaur connection. For me, it was my husband’s family home. I was so very impressed with the valley the very first time he took me home to meet his parents. The striations of colours that run from hill to hill to hill are amazing, and I could be lost in their beauty for days.

So my husband-to-be and I are driving the length of the Drumheller valley, me mesmerized by its beauty, and him just driving home, when suddenly we come across these most amazing rock structures! I knew nothing of hoodoos and was completely and utterly shocked by the crazy rock formations! “Wow! Look at that,” says I to my husband who is completely immune to these sights. “I know!” he says with equal astonishment, “they’ve built a new highway!”

This piece honours a legend suggesting that Blackfoot and Cree traditions regarded these huge rock formations as petrified giants who came alive at night to guard the valley, throwing rocks at intruders.


Anonymous Guest

ihor khoynyak 03 Aug 2010

Pencil? Fantastic!

Artist Reply: Yes, my first piece, and possibly my last with coloured pencil. It was very labour intensive. Especially when I'm used to pastels!!

Julia Scorupsky 11 May 2010


Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Julia.

Alberto D'Assumpcao 11 May 2010

That's splendid, Diana!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you, my friend!