• Cibeles Jolivette Gonzalez
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  • Added 04 Mar 2009
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Modern Kids Need Guidance

Esta obra se titula "Los Niños Modernos Necesitan Guianza". Many modern kids are being seriously misleaded, by both their parents and society. They are taught to love unproductive pleasure and to despise responsibility. Many parents mistakenly believe that childhood and youth are solely for enjoyment, and in accepting those beliefs they fail to equip their children morally and emotionally for the potential adversities that surface in life. Childhood should be enjoyed, yes. But children should be taught that even fun should be productive and applied in positive ways towards life. Examples:Learning to play an instrument, playing an educational board game,learning a craft,etc. Unproductive "fun" should be in my opinion discouraged as it teaches kids to waste time on things that do not better them as people. Television shows should be replaced by a TV with no cable on which the child can watch educational DVDs or movies that promote traditional family values, that are chosen by their parents. Children from babyhood should be taught to pray, and when old enough instructed in the Bible. Discipline as well as praise is crucial in order to teach the child the ability to honestly analyze their actions and behavior. The process of self-betterment is entirely dependent on a person's ability to analyze their actions,accept faults and change them. This skill is taught through rigid discipline. Lavish praise of course should be showered on the child for good deeds.

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Sharon Gonzalez 04 Mar 2009