• julie Marks
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  • Added 24 Jan 2009
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Goodnight Bush

We always read a bedtime story to Molly. She was particularly interested in this election reflected in my photograph of Mikey and Molly titled Political Dogs. Although Goodnight Bush is a parody, Molly’s troubled expression reflects the serious message of her bedtime story. She hopes that we can finally say goodnight to the disaster that characterized the last eight years of the Bush administration. Goodnight Bush is a brilliant parody of the children’s classic bedtime story, Goodnight Moon. A childlike George Bush is tucked safely away in the confines of his own room with all the toys he has willfully destroyed. Dick Cheney is portrayed as a quiet figure whispering “hush” to the misguided President. Many parents, teachers or those in contact with young children or in our case, our three year old Irish Setter, Molly also treasure the original book that is often one of the first bedtime stories that parents read to their children and pass through the generations. The author of the original book, Goodnight Moon gave the authors the freedom to copy the illustrations and include the colors and details that has made Goodnight Moon an enduring classic for young children learning to read. I have read this book many times and every time I find another detail that keeps me laughing. For those who have missed some of the calamities of the Bush administration, this satiric book is so tragically funny and insightful that you will want to read it again. It is hard to make a nightmare funny, but the authors made me laugh out loud to release the outrage I have felt for the past eight years. Laughter is a great relief after enduring the endless list of tragic events that characterized the Bush administration. This should be required reading for outraged and stressed Americans. Hopefully we can now relax and feel hope once again for the future of our country and hope that we can finally restore our reputation around the world after eight years of enduring the destruction of the American spirit. I also plan to show some of the amazing illustrations for those who have not heard of or read this insightful and amazing parody. Here is the text: On the first page we see Bush in bed looking like a little boy surrounded by his “toys” of destruction. “In the situation room there was a toy world and a flight costume and a picture of a refinery plume and there were war profiteers giving three cheers a Grand Old Party to war in a rush and a quiet Dick Cheney whispering hush Goodnight room Goodnight refinery plume Goodnight jets flying over the plume Goodnight toy world and the flight costume Goodnight ballot box and Goodnight Fox Goodnight towers and Goodnight balance of powers Goodnight Constitution and Goodnight evolution Goodnight democracy and Goodnight privacy Goodnight old growth trees Goodnight detainees Goodnight allies Goodnight contractor beheading Goodnight innocent bloodshedding Goodnight nation great Goodnight church and state Goodnight bubble bursting in air Goodnight piggy beyond repair Goodnight rule of law and Goodnight Mardi Gras Goodnight Earth Goodnight heir Goodnight failures everywhere”


Anonymous Guest

jerry carlin 26 Jan 2009

Nice, Goodnight and good ridance! Maybe now the world will think a little better of us.

Anonymous Guest 26 Jan 2009

"I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 12, 2008

Anonymous Guest 26 Jan 2009

Well Alan, why didn’t BUSH keep US safe before 9/11? Keep on dreaming AE :)

Alberto D'Assumpcao 25 Jan 2009

Splendid text and image, Julie!!! You're so right!!!