• Andrew Wahrmund
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  • Image 28 of 64
  • Added 11 Nov 2008
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The Thief

Luke 23:39-43. Only Luke's gospel includes the dialogue between the Thief and Jesus. The incident is short and often downplayed as a romanticized deathbed confession. The illustration attempts to return to its dramatic significance. [if this is the God of the universe in human form who made the very land that supports the cross I will die upon, have I nothing to lose by confessing my faith? But if this is indeed God, HE would surely know if I was sincere] Both thieves knew the Sabbath began tomorrow and that the guards would take measures to insure death by this afternoon. One thief believed he had more to lose than did the other. Both within earshot of God, one confession of faith.


Anonymous Guest

WESTERN ARTWORK By Denny Karchner 28 Nov 2008

What a piece Andrew! It just says so much. Nicely done, my friend and God Bless.--Denny

Artist Reply: ..thanks Denny. We're both students of capturing expression, but digital is no match for painting (I love the Alan Baker-Buffalo Bill in your portfolio)

Anneke Hut 11 Nov 2008

You are so right, Andrew, I never thought of it like that. This reality is still actual today. It's really great how you have rendered it.

Artist Reply: ..thanks Anneke. Pictures and words may be related but any connections are made individually. It's the connections that reveal us to ourselves. thanks again

Dennis Salvatier 11 Nov 2008


Artist Reply: ..thanks Dennis. First impressions are gold to illustrators