• JMichael Piper
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  • Added 26 Feb 2008
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Burning Castle Battle

*There were times in our history when the call of battle raged and a call to all available arms to fight the enemy was a way of life, and I believe it still is to a degree today for some things, and of course for the rest we have the inevitable lawyer. But in the days of our long past history, when swords and cannons were what was used to defend the castle or the ship, it was quite the bloody and fiery war! Many people died defending what they believed was the cause for their fight. People back then didn't have the decision we have today whether to fight or not because it was a simpler time, so what they fought for was most likely to defend their home or defend their word that back then really meaned something. If people gave their word, they stood by it to the death if that was the case. Today, there are so many liars and flakes in the world that taking anyones 'word' is simply a stupid thing to do. People today have to show they mean what they say by proof of action or pictures or witnesses. You know, I would trust today, a pirate of history saying he was coming to fight for my cause, than any hired lawyer I could find today whether it was pro-bono, or if I paid him a billion dollars. At least the pirate from history would be keeping his word and I could trust him with Exactly what he said he would do. Hell I don't even believe my friends sometimes when they say 'they will be there on time for me' ... Yeah Right! That is where I pride myself...I do exactly what I say I will do, and I keep my word...otherwise I'll say that I can't do something and be telling the truth when I say it! So who are you more like? Histories people, or the flakes and liars of today? ........as usual, just my thoughts. .......~Johnny M. *GO CHECK OUT MY NEW ARTWORK AND MY COOL ANIMATIONS! *ARTIMATIONS.COM - ENJOY MY 2X AWARD WINNING WEBSITE! -Check out Artimations.com: http://www.artimations.com/ *Check it out, don't check it out.....but check it out~ J.M.Piper © 2003 - 2008, Artimations.com All Rights Reserved


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Cynthia Stayte 05 Jul 2010

Great work!! I really like the image with the colors and action, and reflection in the water. The ship kinda looks like the one I took a picture of in Lake Erie, Pa. It was the Flagship Niagra. Get a chance check it out on my gallery. Well done Johnny!

Artist Reply: *Hi Cynthia! Thank you so much for that great comment! I truly appreciate it! And I will go check out your photo of that ship! Thanks again!

Emily Reed 26 Feb 2008


Artist Reply: *Thank you so much Emily! I appreciate that!