• BySilent
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  • Image 68 of 117
  • Added 06 Dec 2007
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Codalion Prime

I have been called a racist.

I have been called mean.

It has even been implied that I was the cause of the increased spam mail on many of a person's email accounts, so much so they had to close many because of me or so it is implied.

I have been called many things all without any proof or documentation, just on the words of people. So I am going to clear the air … yes I am a bigot. Yes I am guilty of many things so I will confess those things so that they are out in the open and I can now be at peace with myself and my conscious.

Yes I am not a fan of Alpha Centurions… been sending TV and radio signals at them but they never get back to me... so I say the hell with them.

I also have an issue with Plutonians and I for one am glad we finally kicked their sorry butts out of the solar system. They are so cold and you never see them around I think they are a snobbish planetoid good riddance.

Yes I did tell LBJ to pick up the dog by the ears it would be a great photo op…

Yes I was on the grassy knoll in November of '63 in Dallas…

I was the physical fitness instructor for Chairman Mao and I did tell him he should take more long walks

I switched President Lincoln's orchestra seats for the private box I thought he would be more comfortable…

I took George Washington's seat in the boat

I cheated on my contract by using cheap blocks and mortar on that wall project at Jericho…

I lost the directions on how to exit the desert… should have heard what Moses said to me about that incident… for a man chosen by God could he swear like a sailor.

I left my bath water overrun … Noah was not too thrilled about that one …

I inadvertently went oh wow look at that and Sarah turned around … poof pillar of salt, Lot was not a happy camper.

I feel much better now getting all this off my chest. Of course this is all tongue firmly planted in cheek but it does have as much validity as other sources of information about me that are currently floating around in the cyber village. We all have our hobbies I am glad I am the hobby of some very imaginative people inaccurate as they may be still rather imaginative.

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