• BySilent
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  • Image 78 of 117
  • Added 12 Nov 2007
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Formula 606

A few weeks ago I ran across a film that I had not seen in sometime. It was an Edward G. Robinson movie about the life of Dr. Paul Ehrlich and his “magic bullet”. When you consider what the subject matter was for this 1940’s movie is rather stunning since it touches on the then “taboo” subject of syphilis. What I do find interesting is the Dr. Ehrlich is one of the founding fathers of the pharmaceutical industry. His formula 606 (605 previous failures) was a chemical compound which was revolutionary in the 19th Century.

After viewing this movie I had thought about how large the pharmaceutical industry has grown. In a way we come full circle for we now have diseases we are no longer able to treat by the current battery of drugs and potions. Many articles point to how our own food chain has created this sort of dilemma since many of the animals we use for food are filled with chemical enhancements which in turn lesson the therapeutic effect of antibiotics and other drugs on humans.

Therefore, this is my tribute to Edward G. and to Dr. Ehrlich and the hope that the great minds of our time will be relentless in finding solutions to the maladies that afflict humanity.

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