• chris Navarre
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 23 of 37
  • Added 11 Nov 2007
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i awoke at 3am

i awoke around 3am to witness my hand become like string,a white outline drifting away like smoke,was i within a dream?.. but i sat up, ripped from my slumber to gaze upon this scene, my body still and wide asleep...


Anonymous Guest

Breeze 16 Nov 2007

And you touched the energy, weightless, without distance, eternal and everywhere? Or did you flow to sorrow, keeping you awake? I know both feelings and I feel that your painting - or so I perceive it - touches both aspects. Not so easy for me to look at it but very strong and emotional work.

Artist Reply: ahh.. i played with the distantless ethereal before me, but the sorrow pulled me, and i stayed awake. I've decided to paint these experiences and this is my first attempt at painting them.i haven't made up my mind if i want to paint from past experiences also.Thank you for your comment.

jamie winter 11 Nov 2007

this is so cool it is unbelivable

Artist Reply: thank you jamie:)

fei li 11 Nov 2007

wow!~ Love the color!

annette steens 11 Nov 2007

Wonderful painting Chris! Out of your body experience I guess. I know those "trips" well. It is amazing and unbelievable! Your painting about this item is marvellous done with very nice colours!