• JMichael Piper
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  • Added 09 Nov 2007
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Smoke on the Waters

*I remember a song called "Smoke on the water" and it's the song that every guitar player seems to play at least once. It's amazing what three chords did for the band, and how much fame and fortune they aquired because of those three guitar chords, and also because of a great title and great words, and well, the whole thing all put together. I decided to see if I could create Smoke on the Waters in the memory of that song. It was a great hit when it was recorded and it's still played on the radio today almost everywhere. This picture doesn't really have much to do with the music itself, just that it shows a view looking out between the glass walls and the smoke thats misting around the surface of the swirling waters, but the important part of the whole thing, is that the combination of the music, and the band that played it, and the world that felt what music does to us, always tells us that life is a vision of what we make of it, and Love and Music, that's what makes the world go 'round! Here's to the freedom we can have as artists and those that enjoy the visions that we create! Cheers! And Rock n Roll! .....as usual, just my thoughts. .....~Johnny M. *GO CHECK OUT MY NEW ARTWORK AND MY COOL ANIMATIONS! *ARTIMATIONS.COM - ENJOY MY 2X AWARD WINNING WEBSITE! -Check out Artimations.com: http://www.artimations.com/ *Check it out, don't check it out.....but check it out~ J.M.Piper © 2003 - 2007, Artimations.com All Rights Reserved


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Jerry 09 Nov 2007

Great style, contrast and colors!

Artist Reply: *Hi Jerry! I appreciate your words on my works! I always have! You see what I do and you tell it like I see it! Thank you my friend!

Brenda Loveless 09 Nov 2007


Artist Reply: *Hi Brenda! Thanks so much for that! Enchanting and magical looking! Cool, you see it as I saw it! Thank you for that!

Joanna Jungjohann 09 Nov 2007

totally tight!~

Artist Reply: *Hi Joanna! Cool! I love that word tight! No, not for that reason, lol, although its a good one, I mean when you use the word tight about my work, that tells me that the style I've developed and my approach to the creation of my works is just that and I do, do my best to be tight and highly detailed as I can be! So thank you for noticing that! I appreciate that!

Emily Reed 09 Nov 2007


Artist Reply: *Hi Emily! Cool! I love that word Harmonious! In this world today I believe timing is everything...and within that time, the harmony and repetition that makes the world go round has to stay with ones frame of mind...otherwise we become out of sync with the flow, and procrastination is what develops...and I never let anything go that needs to be addressed and taken care of...thus having harmony in ones own daily life makes it more fun to get things done! Thank you again for your wonderful words Emily! Take care and have a safe weekend!

annette steens 09 Nov 2007

You rock Johnny! FANTASTIC image! Without Love and Music/arts there is no Life I think.

Artist Reply: *Hi Annette! You got that right! Without any of that, there is no passion, or compassion, and that goes right along with all that you said! Thanks so much! I always look forward to what you have to say about my works! You take care and have a rockin weekend!