• JMichael Piper
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  • Added 24 Aug 2007
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Elementary Seperation

*I believe that an elementary seperation is good for me sometimes because I think one needs to detach ones self from the repetitious ways that our daily lives conduct what we do for so many countless hours upon hours. It would be nice to just say, well I'm going to leave my innerself while it is doing the task at hand, and I'm going to go out into space and visit with an unknown source (which or whatever that may be) and take a mind vacation for awhile. Maybe I'll learn something or meet someone different, or simply just have a whole new little mini-adventure that will lighten my mood, and put me in a state of imagination, so that whatever I can dream or imagine, all of a sudden becomes a reality to a degree..... This is what I do when it comes to what I call, going out into the universal energy, and contacting the supplier of images, then browsing so to speak, at all the images that I can't even imagine on my own, and getting new and undiscovered images, that I only think come from one place...and that would be my soul as it is connected with a higher source...giving me a chance to see what maybe the great source wants the world to see...not just what I believe the world should see, but an image that may change the mood or the mind of maybe just one person....and who knows what that could do for someone else...hence creating a dominoe effect, that is brought forth by opening up my mind...its kind of cool when that happens! It makes me feel a brand new feeling, that I only want to share with all of you! Thanks for all that you have done for me in the way of your thoughts and feelings and comments! I appreciate it! Please continue to enjoy what I do and/or have done, because I see no sign of slowing down! Thank you very much! ..........as usual, just my thoughts. ......~Johnny M. *GO CHECK OUT MY NEW ARTWORK AND MY COOL ANIMATIONS! *ARTIMATIONS.COM - ENJOY MY 2X AWARD WINNING WEBSITE! -Check out Artimations.com: http://www.artimations.com/ *Check it out, don't check it out.....but check it out~ J.M.Piper © 2003 - 2007, Artimations.com All Rights Reserved


Anonymous Guest

ruth sears 01 Jul 2010

one fantastic image,I love to read your captions with each of these,very interesting and well worded,fine work indeed.

Artist Reply: *Hi Ruth! Well I must thank you again for the wonderful words that you used to let me know what my work makes you feel like! I truly appreciate it emmensly!

Lynn De Serres 23 Oct 2007

Outstanding artwork.

Artist Reply: *Hi Lynn! Thanks so much for your comment! I appreciate that! I've been out of circulation for a few weeks, but back and ready to do some tackling again...omg I have more that 4000 emails to deal with now...ugh...anyway blah blah blah...thanks again so much! I'm happy to be back online! Take care!

Jerry 24 Aug 2007

Serious colors, style, texture and arrangement!

Artist Reply: *Hi Jerry! Thank you again my friend! I always appreciate your comments!

Emily Reed 24 Aug 2007


Artist Reply: *Hi Emily! Thanks so much! Yes I do try to as you said, 'Branch out' into alot of color as much as I can! But only when it's called for in the image of course! Thanks again Emily! I always appreciate your comments!