• Ruth Palmer
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  • Added 22 Aug 2007
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Intercessory Prayer

Taken from my blog: I was going through some paintings in my studio and stumbled upon this one that I had done some time ago. I had initially put it aside calling it a "WIP" and had fully intended to go back and do more work on it but never did. I'd shown it as a WIP to some arteeeest friends who had liked it very much "as is" and then just rolled it up and forgot about it. It's huge...not exactly sure off hand how large but it's on unstretched canvas....I'd say about 4ft X 5ft. What this piece represents is (and I remember painting it during one of those dry spiritual periods when I was trying desperately to pray but just couldn't find the words) our prayers, which are sometimes nothing more than moans and groans....but are interpreted for us by the Holy Spirit giving us a direct and uninterrupted line to our Father. This happens often during our times of spiritual emptiness when we are reaching out to God and the words just don't come. For those of you who are Christians, you will know this scripture from the Bible: Romans 8:26 (New International Version) "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." Anyway, when I pulled the painting out this morning, I decided that just as Jesus said on the cross, "it is finished".....and would like to share it with you all. Never stop talking to God, He always hears....even the moans and groans! Be Blessed.

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Anonymous Guest

Minnie Shuler 08 Oct 2007

It certainly has its appeal.

kim isabella 03 Sep 2007

wow, i always love your colour, lovely and very nice to see ^^ great artwork!!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Kim!

Jerry Hanks 29 Aug 2007

Congrats on your top ten placement. Your work is an inspiration of style and color.

Artist Reply: Thank you Jerry. That is so kind of you to say!

Cindy Lemoi 22 Aug 2007

Beautiful work !

Artist Reply: I'm glad you like it Cindy, thanks!

Mrs.David Jobes(Dee) Jobes 22 Aug 2007

Gorgeous Stunning inspirational moving art ,Ruth!!!:)

Artist Reply: Thank you Dee! You are so energetic LOL!