• Kevin Lambeth
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  • Image 179 of 326
  • Added 17 Aug 2007
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Tom Smithson, another in the Arnhem Vets series. What a charactor, went to Arnhem in 44, parachuted in. Now mid to late 80's and still parachutes into Arnhem every year.


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Giles Smithson 03 Jul 2022

Great drawing of my Dad. When ‘ where was this drawn?

Artist Reply: I am an ex Para Engineer. I knew loads of Arnhem Veterans around the Midlands and used to take them to Arnhem every year in my people carrier. I also had the great honour of carrying the Arnhem Veterans Standard for almost 30 years. So l had the great honour of getting to know and becoming friends with lots of these heroes, including your father Tom.

Janet Gioffre Harrington 23 Aug 2007

Really nice subtlties in the face and shirt here, Kev. Great capture of expression, too. Can you imagine parachuting in your 80's? Geez. what a guy! Great tribute!

Artist Reply: Thanks Jan, really look forward to your comments, know it must be OK if get a commnt from such a great artist. Sadly I can't parachute myself this year at Arnhem, have been grounded, due to epilepsy. As we term it, turned into a penguin. ' Got wings but can't fly '. Had a good run though, I'm 50, not as good as Tom mind you, but I tried.

Nancy Woolweber 17 Aug 2007

Very nice.

Artist Reply: Thank you Nancy for the kind comment, soory it's been a few days getting back to you as I've had a few days off.

Emily Reed 17 Aug 2007


Artist Reply: Thanks Em, sorry it's been a few days, been away. Always look forward to your comments.

Penny Myers 17 Aug 2007

Very nice pencil work.

Artist Reply: Thanks Penny for the support and great comments, always look forward to hearing from you.