• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 10 Aug 2007
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When Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, was asked what he thought when he first saw the very first atomic explosion he quoted the ancient Hindu text the Bhagavad Gita. The lines were from the conversation Arjuna was having with Krishna the words were "I have become Death destroyer of worlds". How true those words are they are a perfect description of this terrible destructive power of the tiny atom. In my most deepest sacred moments, when I am alone, I pray that that terrible, horrific bomb is never used again. I fear that humankind's hubris will lead them down that road to Armageddon. Such is the folly and stupidity of some of our species. Yet I am also a member of humanity and I am an artist and I paint, that's what artists do. In that ancient Hindu text , the Gita, much is mentioned about dharma or duty. About the responsibility of doing what one is called to do. Now, I read the Gita often, I find it comforting, as did Gandhi, and I am aware of the fact that I must do what I am called to do. As an artist I am called to paint and as a member of humanity I am called to help my brothers and sisters, as the Bible says to do. Now how can I help so many that I have never met, and never will meet? This is how I can help. By doing what I am called to do. I am an artist and I am called to paint. Some of my paintings are whimsical, some are just the musings of this artist's soul, and some are prophecies yet unfulfilled. I always tell my students and those close to me, "If you are what you do, and you don't, then you're not". I hope that on that final day when I leave this place and cross over the river and meet my Creator, I will be able to say to my Beloved that I did my duty as best I could. visionary imagist "Joey"

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joe valcourt 16 Oct 2007

fine commentary attached to this intense, but artistic rendition--if a nuclear weapon was used before(twice by the U.S.--not counting all the testing) it will be used again.

Artist Reply: Joe: I find your comments to be very insightful and profound. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me and stopping by my little gallery.

sandra carmo 11 Aug 2007

fantastic concept of art! is't a powerful work. :)

Artist Reply: Sandra: I enjoy hearing your insights and comments. thank you for taking time to stop by!

Cindy Lemoi 11 Aug 2007

What a powerful statement Joey. This is outstanding !

Artist Reply: Cindy: I try to use my brush to reflect the workings of my soul. Sometimes the view can be scary. I am glad that you liked my attempt. Thank you again!!

Joanna Jungjohann 11 Aug 2007

astounding, compelling and totally powerful work, peace my friend

Artist Reply: Joanna: Your stopping into my little cyber gallery and sharing does make me smile. Thanks for insightful comments!!

Chris Roukema 10 Aug 2007

Stunning Work, Joey! Sleeping Giants! SCARY!!! Thanks for sharing this, Joey!

Artist Reply: Chris: I believe in the power of the ultimate goodness of the people of the world. We all are just brothers and sisters. thanks!!