• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 03 Aug 2007
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The Entrance To Plato's Cave

A long, long time ago when I was young and foolish I wanted to be smart like some of the adults I knew. They were quite educated and well versed about life and living. They read thought provoking books, deep profound literature and mimicked memorized lines from marvelous works of poetry. To say that I was impressed would be an understatement. I was amazed and envious of their knowledge and wanted to be like them. One day I was in a used book store in my hometown I saw on the shelf, for the taking, Plato's Republic. It was one of the those books that all those smart and intelligent people had read. But I didn't have enough money with me to buy it and the bookstore was one that I had never been to before because it was far from where I lived. I might not be able to come back to buy it. So, I regret to say this, but it is the truth, I stole that book. Yes, I stole a used copy of Plato's Republic. I am probably the only teenager, in a city of over a million people that year that stole a copy of Plato's Republic. Most of my teenage peers, I would imagine, would have stolen a more spicy, ribald and sexy edition of some sort. But I stole an ancient philosopher's dissertation on reality. When I think back on what I did it makes me laugh at myself. How foolish, reckless and wrong it was. Yet, it says a lot about this young peripatetic artist's hopes and dreams back then. So here's my little painting. It's an amends to that bookstore and to Plato. I hope they will understand and forgive me for me being young and foolish. visionary imagist "Joey"

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John Cappello 10 Mar 2016

Brilliant and Gorgeous Modern Design art

Jo-Ann Hayden 05 Jan 2008

I love the way you used the color blue, beautiful painting.

Artist Reply: Jo-Ann: blue is my favorite color. thanks for noticing my oil painting and commenting on it.

Kerra Lindsey 23 Aug 2007

Oh, My! Joey is it? What a writer you are! Unexpected to find such information accompanying this beautiful painting--and so forthright! :) Wonderful tribute to your teenage antics. -Kerra

Artist Reply: Kerra: Thanks for your stopping by and sharing your words with me. I really appreciate you doing so and look forward to your returning to share again. Your art is quite stunning and I appreciate input from fine artists, such as yourself. Stop back anytime! Again thanks!

NVJasmin Rodriguez Garcia 09 Aug 2007

one of my favorites

Artist Reply: NVJasmin: My dreams allow me to paint. Your comments allow me to continue. Thanks!

Tahnja Wolter 08 Aug 2007

We all make mistaks my friend. I love your work and I cherish the heart in the artist as well. You are really awesome

Artist Reply: tahnja: i am glad that you enjoy my art and also my words. i have been compiling my art and words for a book. I hope that you will enjoy that as well.