• Gregory Edwards
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  • Image 144 of 295
  • Added 11 May 2007
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Denature Ping~isms

Denatured Fictions have keen vantage points when dealing with >WHY even before is was between unhiddens of my me of the old madnesses yep but better set up way Wow and NOW geb wetter wizzzues in e.ee...s raising the bar of third rock enhancement experiment seem clear near shuuuuId~en~ismsRATIONALIZATION, the fertile fields of slept then >astor ling vectoral visa views followed by seeing you news than a twos you loosened fews to wind blew trues like the omni orchestration seen best below the Diving Station they them of wish want and why ways ablaze where spots and spaces make logical nonsense teamed via >MY< taser delusionlike rising tower truths mix illusion to transcend illusion...allusion to let go becoming falling up swiftly because you are you and as you rapture winds everywhere and now here...are risen arose not turned back to see yet coming back from where? HERE, see SEE!!! Be ez as az Ping~isms


Anonymous Guest

Heli Aarniranta 22 Jun 2009

HM!! interesting...:piece of designwork=)) colors are DIVINE...i sm.ell florals....:=))or is it Angels...whispering in my ear.. Bless the artwork..and the artist's creativity and creational skill.Unique texture.

Carrie Ann Watson 14 May 2007

I really love that top one! Excellent textures! Beautiful! :)

Carliss Mora 12 May 2007

Lots of interest, and unserpassed defractured (?)colors in beauty!