• JMichael Piper
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  • Added 05 Apr 2007
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Angered Management

*There is alot of hate and anger in this world today. People are upset and pissed off about many things. The government is not a good running government for the people of this country, low wages for harder and more work, gas prices that are astronomical and we are just going ahead and paying it and someone is getting richer by the second...and so on. Maybe an Angered Management therapy session is needed...maybe not. It seems when people are angered and have to stay that way...things change. It's very sad that it has to happen that way, but thats the government we have. Personally, I don't even believe in the vote system. I voted for a president who won...and then didn't win. Politics are what make me angry. Angered Management is needed for me...otherwise I might kill someone... .........as usual, just my thoughts. .....~Johnny M. *GO AND VIEW MY WEBSITE AND SEE WHAT IS NEW RIGHT NOW! *ARTIMATIONS.COM - ENJOY MY 2X AWARD WINNING WEBSITE! -Check out Artimations.com: http://www.artimations.com/ *Check it out, don't check it out.....but check it out~

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Anonymous Guest

Jo Glasscock 05 Apr 2007

wow my sentiments exactly..this is an awesome piece of work and I really really like it...I think our goverment sucks right now and being angry about it is better then being complacent.....

Artist Reply: *Hi Jo! Thanks! I'm glad you agreed with Linda, because something needs to be done...I have heard a rumor that there might be a Bush impeachment! That would be great! Aside from assasination, something has to change! Thanks for your wonderful comment!

linda duffy 05 Apr 2007

full of energy and well channelled johnny xxxxxxxxxxx

Artist Reply: *Hi Linda! Thanks so much! Yes it is quite amazing how we can aim our emotions from something we experienced and then create from it. Thanks for noticing that! Take care and have a happy easter!

Brenda Loveless 05 Apr 2007

good way to channel that energy, friend

Artist Reply: *Hi Brenda! Oh yes, that was quite a day I had! Someone very dear to me, well, pissed me off to no end! I couldn't believe they were being like that. Along with other things that happened that day! I guess I could say I shouldn't have got out of bed, but then I wouldn't have done this work...strange how that happens...thanks again! Happy Easter to you!

bianca 05 Apr 2007

great digital abstract..

Artist Reply: *Hi Bianca! Thank you so very much!

cynthia berridge 05 Apr 2007

agree with Emily very different but differently good

Artist Reply: *Hi Cynthia! Thanks so much! I really appreciate that! Yes a little unique for me I suppose. Thanks for noticing and still accepting my work!