• Jerry
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  • Added 04 Feb 2007
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On the Clock

It seems that very many people in this world are without regard of how things really work! Some people might say, (What comes around goes around), (Karma), (Paybacks), (You will get yours in the end) or maybe (Justice is mine sayeth the Lord!)***** In L.A. people would say, that no good deed goes unpunished! Dirty deeds done fore dirt-cheap seems to be an American slogan or new way of life. Maybe all the violence coming out of Hollywood has finally made its impact on countless millions around our country! Rap music, cartoons, commercials, newspaper headlines, video games and a lack of morals certainly has contributed to the madness within this culture. The Political Correct say killing fifty million unborn babies via abortion is even cool or a-o-ok! What kind of a people have we become?***** Divorce, crime, killings, violence, corruption and dysfunctional families today seem to be the norm. According to polls lies are just regular stuff or expected on job applications, in government, politics, advertising, on labels and in dating! Everything has a price tag on it yet nothing is valued!***** This picture or story is hanging over every ones head my friends whether we like it or not! Pretend doesnt change or make things go away. There is justice and a heaven or hell my friends. In this picture time is running out on a guy that thinks he got away with his last trick. He is on the job and this angle a clock of time! Love, grace and mercy certainly are more rewarding than a plight this fool has just down the road! May our artworks represent something better than what the world is offering us my fellow artists!***** Jerry Stith

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shenur masters 06 Mar 2012

beautiful work!

hugh thomas 05 Aug 2009

Interesting what you write about and to be honest I 'hear' you - but answers are so difficult. Point of art doubt - I am not sure I like the lighting effects - perhaps it is cultural or just 'not me' Kind regards, Hugh

Anonymous Guest 13 Feb 2009

Brilliant and beautiful!

Joshua Harvey 19 Aug 2008

I love this image, well done, and the caption, i hope more people read it! -Very well done!

MJ Mitchell 04 Jul 2008

Very dramatic and moving - true words you wrote!