• Lisa Bellaire
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  • Added 02 Aug 2003
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Sweet Fashion

In a way everyone could be a fashion designer. Though as an artist I can incorperate fashion into my art. Jewels (c) Lisa Bellaire

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Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 19 Feb 2004

Ummm... Lisa is it? Well Lisa before you get too excited about designing fashions, you should really work on your anatomy. Pretty clothes still wont look good if they are on such deformed looking models. In particular the middle one's front-most leg looks severely disfigured. The repetitive use of that blue hair color is a little hard on the eyes and your shading is poor. Pick a consistant light source and shade/highlight according to that. Also in order to draw clothes that have potential to be made into real clothes you need to be able to predict how the fabric folds will actually fall on the model. The clothes you drew are relatively tight but they would still have creases and folds, especially since your models are bending at every possible joint. My last crit (and one of the most important ones) is to draw your characters in more natural poses. If you insist on complicated positions for the models then you really should learn how to draw bodies better, but for the most part, simplistic poses are best. If this really is a fashion design piece then you want the focus to be on the clothes more than the, pardon my language, slutty people wearing the clothes. If you put skimpy clothes like that on suggestively posed models it seems very low-class. Neither artsy nor fashionable. Really #@&ually frustrated teenage boys may like this picture (if they are partially blind), but all in all it needs a lot of work.