• Darren Hiles
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  • Image 38 of 42
  • Added 12 Sep 2006
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Stretched Diamonds

©Darren Hiles Commisioned by Katra

5 of 8 Comments Show All 8 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 13 Sep 2006

This is super!!!! Julie sez so!!!!

Angel Estevez 12 Sep 2006

Very beautiful design and excellent concept. Congratulations !

Artist Reply: Thanks for the wonderful comment :o)
Artist Reply: Thanks for the wonderful comment :o)

Cynthia Fisher 12 Sep 2006

This is INCREDIBLE!!! So beautifully organic. Like the answer to a beautiful cosmic question. Why aren't you selling this one?

Artist Reply: Hi Cynthia, Thanks for the comments :o) The answer to your question is two fold. First this particular piece was made as a commission and I cannot put this up for sale unless the commissioner allows me. Secondly, I am currently in a licensing agreement with a compsny called C.I.L.M. (Creative Imaging Licensing and Management) which makes the "contract" to sell works on here a touch difficult. However feel free to mail me at [email protected] and I will see what I can do about gaining permission from the person mentioned above and I may be able to run out a print for you. Not sure on costings at the moment as I will have to find a decent printers and also it would depend on the size you were after. You could go to my personal gallery site. This has many more examples of my work and you may spot something you like there :o) Not everything in my gallery gets posted elsewhere. http://art.lurkinback.com/ :o) Thanks for the interest. I am flattered :o) Smiles Darren
Artist Reply: HI there, Tried replying yesterday but your mailbox was full so here goes ;o) Thanks for your interest in my work! The reason I am not selling "Stretched Diamonds" on ArtWanted is two-fold. Firstly, it was a piece commissioned by a third party and I would need to gain permission from that person if I were to offer it for sale. Secondly and more importantly, I am currently contracted with C.I.L.M. (Creative Imaging Licensing and Management http://www.creativeimagelicensing.com ) who sell pieces of my artwork on my behalf. This contract makes it very difficult to join the print program here as ArtWanted act as an outside party which I am restricted from using. I have been looking at arranging my own printing, I have a few ideas in the pipeline and am currently following up leads on cheap but high quality printers who can get my artwork out in a tangible form. If you would like to purchase a print please let me know by mailing: - [email protected] I will enquire of my client on the use of the image in printed form and see what they say. In the mean time you can feel free to check out my personal gallery site:- http://art.lurkinback.com All the art in here is created by me and there are only a few commission pieces so you may find something else you would like (if I cannot agree the sale with the client). The images in my gallery are not all uploaded here or the other places I display work online. They date right back to when I first started creating and move all the way through my experimentation to my newer more polished images. Thanks again for the interest in my work, it is highly flattering :o) Yours, Darren Hiles aka Lurkinback

Izabella Pavlushko 12 Sep 2006

Wonderful work !

Artist Reply: Thanks for the comment :o)

Nikolay Pavlushko 12 Sep 2006

Beautiful work.. Well done.

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for the comment you left on my image "Stretched Diamonds"