• T. Byron K.
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  • Image 174 of 197
  • Added 01 Aug 2006
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Selections from Advent (Omega) Poem 54, Ch. 5 Antichrist- Out of the depths of darkness quickening, why this fear wants me to offer up your bleakest Hell sent Hatred slipping in and out of your sleep again and the faintest bitter voices from beyond whisper a tragic rumor of your arrival and my deepening sadness a reflection of your dark prides consumption/ O Wicked One your feat of cruel daring a counterfeit from the beginning. Painting Copyright 1999 T. Byron K.


Anonymous Guest

david porfirio 21 Aug 2006

this one is intriguing and i love the background. great job on this one

Artist Reply: many thanks!

Christine brand 01 Aug 2006

How interesting and forboding...making his appearance is he?!

Artist Reply: Thank you-this painting was an illustration for my poem titled Advent/Omega-Antichrist.

Doris B. Lambling 01 Aug 2006

well, it seems to be so easy to use the image of the devil to descibe the enemy. mostly we believe to find the devil out there. something or someone to struggle against. I prefer to believe, we first have to struggle against the devil inside. much more harder to succeed. frieden / peace / paix / pace / paz on earth

Artist Reply: and peace to you too-thank you

Tami Dykes 01 Aug 2006

A haunting image of the enemy. The one that takes peace away. Your technique is unique and your image is done in a haunting way. I think you achieved what you needed. Very talented indeed.

Artist Reply: thank you for your kind review! This painting is quite haunting for me as well and reminds me of why I need a Saviour.