• Kristof Corvinus
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 90 of 94
  • Added 17 Jun 2006
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I used Jasc Paint shop pro8 to create this.Mostly I make a lot of pieces on that program to paint later but often times what I do there looks good to me.I like to show the contrast later when both mediums exist.


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 08 May 2007

So Far this is my favorite abstract of yours it really blends well but standing out in a bold yet subtle way...amazing truely (Lissa)

Artist Reply: One of my earlier pieces when I was starting not to be afraid to paint/draw "outside the box". Abstract is pretty scary and actually harder , I think, then realistic work.

Emilio B. Campo-Diaz 19 Jun 2006

Excellent creative work, I like it.

joan warburton 17 Jun 2006

Conceptually perfect! Wonderful design!

Artist Reply: Joan, I tried to comment on one of your pieces ( Next time get directions) but something is foobar and nothing showed in the comment box! So I will tell you here. First off, thank you for that truly ego stroking comment about my abstact ! hehe. Secondly, I love your computer abstracts and the photos.The ones in the Shadowlands section especially called to me.The whispy tendrils looking like coloured smoke moved perfectly.A favorite photo of mine are the ducks in the carnival section.Loved how they reflected the yellow, warm glow around their little shelves. I was touched and amused by the portraits of your fellow AW artists. I hope to know some here well enough to feel comfotable doing that as well.I enjoy portait work.Keep up the excellent work!

Analua 17 Jun 2006

Wonderful great textures in this work!!!

Lucia Stewart 17 Jun 2006

Wonderful abstract, great textural effects and colours!!

Artist Reply: Thanks Lucia for both comments.Good to be back here .I have arisen from the dead! heh.Expect more paintings. Will be soon be developing recent photos of current works.Do you happen to trade artist cards?
Artist Reply: ha! Just looked over your site and apperantly you do.Eh, nevermind having to answer that.