• hendrik arie baartman
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  • Added 19 May 2006
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Blue bayou earth

Science and Art: A Double Helix. Hendrik Arie Baartman creates art that is timeless but contemporary, complex yet simple, a conflict and a resolution. Through his comprehensive study of dynamic fluidity in art, he has developed a unique style that emphasizes mathematics, yet his concepts are still so wholly organic. In his work entitled, "Flying Dutchmen", the geometric intricacies combine with intense order; the algorithmic patterns are dense, but clear. The energy of his pieces keeps them young and vibrant, while the use of such a variety of media really brings out the multifaceted nature, and adds a pleasant and necessary depth, and leads to the discovery of the many layers that make up each display. Hendrik has displayed in many of his works that he is not afraid to experiment artistically. His many conceptual pieces are a prime example of the constant struggle that many artists endure: How do science and art interact? The search for the answer to that question and the combination of both factors are usually two things that are heavily expressed in Mr. Baartman's works. "The term experimental is used in art to indicate working with new forms. In science experiment is used to test theory, but what then is my theory? It is that art is close to science. You could simplify it by saying: physics is about physical forces, art is about mental forces. The integral wholeness of each self-contained picture presents a crystalline purity, a conundrum of complexity, and a stark simplicity." (H.A. Baartman, 2004) Symmetry plays a big part in Baartman's work, although no side is truly the same as its reflection. Jonathan Lamm (2004) Experiment in Digital Art

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Elton Houck 03 Jun 2006

intriguing..especially the body forms that lie behind the outer covering images...

Tabitha Borges 26 May 2006

Like how the outer layer is a light gray and the color deepen as I movin ..real set a great mood.. great art...

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 25 May 2006

this is different and very interesting work! and to answer you question: de polder dat ben ik....Ik denk dat jij dat ook voelt met jouw geweldige werk Hendrik! Ik kijk er altijd met bewondering naar. It's GREAT!!!xx nelly

Jo Glasscock 20 May 2006

i love the B&W great design...maybe just a little more contrast to make the design jump at you

Artist Reply: Its hanging on my wall and I can tell you....it jumps right in my face.Thanks for the comment Jo.

Chris Williams 19 May 2006

great work well done

Artist Reply: Thanks Chris.