• Terry Harris
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  • Added 14 Apr 2006
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Glowing Cosmos

I love all the beauty of the cosmos, and all the wonderous displays of natural art. I was playing around with a mulitile of effects, brushes, filters, and got this cool design. If I could design a galaxy of my own, I'd start it forming with burst of colors and designs and go on from there. I'd love to find a kalidoscope type area to simple marvel and reflect on how in the world could this have happen? Some day we may get to see amazing designs from far away, so totally different and unexpected. What would you imagine and design if you could? Created with Paint Shop Pro X (Corel,)Jasc Paint Shop Studio, & Painter IX using a Wacom tablet & stylus, and lots of manipulations.

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Anonymous Guest

Jimmie Mathews 17 Apr 2006

ok. it makes me think of candy. is that bad? it is pretty. that was seriously my first impression...

Artist Reply: LOL! You gave it a whole new angle! I should star a amzing candy line of products! These would so sell! Only, I've some food dye allergies, especially to red dye. Willy Wonka eat your heart out! ANy candy makers out there wanting to to purchase the rights for my candy design? Jimmie, go get something to eat! LOL!

tazda lawson 16 Apr 2006

Sorry have not commented for a while........ computer went down. Still super work. Very colorful!!!! Very sculpted...very 3-D!!!!

Michael Forbus 15 Apr 2006

Terry, a great piece, mandala like and spiritual in cyclical format. lovely. You are so talented. Miguel

Artist Reply: Thanks Michael! I have a fondness of mandala works and kalidoscopes as well. Love to play with all the gadgets tha come with programs to see what will happen. So for a break from painting, I fiddle with the effects and tools, filters and pop results into mulitple programs until I get something I like. I have problems stopping sometimes as I want to continue to see what els will happen! Too much fun, and not enough time to do it all!

Linda Bertiaux 14 Apr 2006

Wow...this is excellent.

Artist Reply: Thank you Linda!

Loredana 14 Apr 2006

fantastic digital Terry :)

Artist Reply: Thanks Loredana!